2017 Martial Arts Weapons Summit!
On a recent trip to GA, I had the chance to train and teach with my old student and friend, Sensei Todd Irvine! Check out the pictures from 1989 and 2017, 28 years apart!
We had a wonderful seminar with Hanshi Dometrich on July 22nd! We worked on bo and sai basics, then the kata Chikin Shitahaku no Sai and Shirotaru no Kon! We had Shito-ryu, Shotokan, Shorin-ryu, Isshin-ryu and Kenpo styles all represented and training together! Great day of training! We...
Congratulations to Marc Mitzner on his recent outstanding performances at the 2017 AAU National Championships in Raleigh, NC! Marc took a silver medal in kobudo, and bronze medals in kata and kumite! We are all proud of you!
Great to have a visit from old friends and students! Greg and Alzada are original students from when CMAC started in 1991! They moved to Chicago in 1993 and are now living in Washington state! Both are still actively training in Shorin-ryu karate. They were in town to...
Congratulations to Marc Mitzner for his recent outstanding performances at the 2017 AAU Super Regional in Apex, N.C. on May 20th! Marc took gold-kobudo, silver-kata, and bronze-kumite! Outstanding for our only competitor going to Nationals in Raleigh at the end of June. Great job, bring back the gold!
Great to have Sensei Jesse Knowles, 6th Dan, visit and train with us this week. Sensei Knowles was in town for a autism conference!