Student of the month for May 2023!
Congratulations to Alex Gilligan, our student on the month for May 2023! Alex is a longtime student of Carolina Martial Arts Center. He started in 1998 when he was just 6 years old, he is now 30! Wow, thats 24 years ago! Alex started training just because his mom signed him up. He just recently completed is Ph.D in chemistry from the University of Colorado at Boulder! Alex says that his favorite part of training used to be kata, but now he is really enjoying partner training and sparring, but still enjoys doing kata! Outside of class he enjoys playing table top games with friends, building and tinkering with computers, and taking care of his dog. His favorite food is homemade spaghetti and meatballs! Alex says, “The more you put into martial arts the more you’ll get out of it. You won’t ever hit perfection, but you should always be working towards a ‘personal best’. Once you hit that, set a new target to reach for.” Great words of wisdom from one of our big kids! 🙂 Keep up the good work!