Student of the month for September 2023!
Congratulations to Brian Shaw, our student of the month for September 2023! Brian started training at Carolina Martial Arts Center in August of 2022! He is currently a 9th kyu yellow belt training for and testing soon for 8th kyu! Brian is 49 years old and works as a Software Engineer. He started martial arts (this time) to improve his mental discipline and focus, as well as to help push himself both mentally and physically. His favorite part of training is sparring or when he gets to work with someone hands-on which helps him understand the application better. He also really enjoys tournaments because it forces him out of his comfort zone (performing in front of an audience) which is another reason why he started martial arts. Brian’s hobbies or favorite things to do are spending time with his family, playing guitar, running…and karate! His favorite food is Chinese. Words of wisdom…”this will probably change by tomorrow, but today I’d say, mistakes are normal and they happen. Learn from them so they don’t happen again. I look forward to every class I attend; What will I learn? What will I unlearn? And who will teach me something? I don’t think I could feel that sort of motivation if it weren’t for such a great school, students and Sensei.”