Author: sensei

Team CMAC in May!

Sensei David Henshall and his son, Nathan Henshall, competed in the AAU regional qualifier in Goldsboro, NC on May 11th!  Sensei Gurganus competed in the USA-NKF state qualifier in Hampton, VA on May 4th!  Sensei Henshall: Gold-kata, Gold-kobudo, Silver-kumite.  Nathan Henshall: Gold-kata, Gold-kobudo, Gold-kumite, Gold-team kata.  Sensei Gurganus:...

Team CMAC in April!

Nathan Henshall competed in the AAU Virginia State Championship on April 13th!  Nathan won 3 gold medals(kata, kobudo, and kumite) and also won his match during the team competition, a perfect day!  Shihan Gurganus competed in the East Carolina University Open on April 20th!  Shihan Gurganus won gold-kata,...

Team CMAC in March!

Congratulations to David and Nathan Henshall for their outstanding performance at the AAU state qualifier in Winston-Salem, N.C. on March 16th! Dave Henshall: gold-kobudo, silver-kata, silver-kumite! Nathan Henshall: gold-kobudo, silver-kata, silver-kumite! Like father, like son!  Great job guys!

Happy Birthday Soke Shogo Kuniba!

Tuesday, Feb. 5th would have been Soke Kuniba’s 78th birthday!   He was the founder of the style of karate that we practice, Motobu-ha Shito-ryu.  A great teacher and father figure to many of us who had the opportunity to train with him!  His teachings and skill will always...

Donation to C.C. Spaulding Elementary School!

Thank you to everyone from our CMAC family who donated items to our recent Christmas collection!   Your generosity and unselfishness never seem to amaze me!  I’m sure you were able to make many kids and their families happy this Christmas!  Pictured are some of the board members of...

Nov. 24th – Kobudo training!

Our old friends, Sheree Adams and MM Graham, visited from Austin, TX and came in for some kobudo training!  Their student David Glenn was also present!  We reviewed bo and nunchaku and had time to catch up and hear about their recent trip to Okinawa!  Sheree and MM...

Oct. 29th – Special Olympics Golf Tournament!

CMAC sponsored the 5th hole and had a team participate in the annual Special Olympics golf tournament at Duke golf course!  Thank you, Jacob, Josh, and Jason for representing Team CMAC!  The event raised over $5,000.00 for Special Olympics! Team CMAC! Jacob, Josh, Jason 5th Hole sponsor!