Author: sensei

Team CMAC at Mocksville, NC Open Martial Arts Tournament!

Team CMAC competed at the War Eagle Open in Mocksville, NC on Sept. 16th! Our small 4 person team placed in every division we entered, 8 awards in all! Yunmiao Shi started us off with a strong 2nd place finish in kata! Brian Shaw placed 1st in kata...

Student of the month for August 2023!

Congratulations to Rafi K., our student of the month for August 2023! Rafi started training at Carolina Martial Arts Center in November of 2022! Rafi is a 9-year-old 4th grader at George Watts Montessori, and his favorite subject is art.  His favorite foods are pink lemonade, pizza, and pastas. ...

Student of the month for July 2023!

Congratulations to Tariku Mitchell, our student of the month for July 2023! Tariku is 9 years old and is homeschooled and entering the 4th grade this year. His favorite subject in school is math. He started in September 2022 after asking his parents to sign him up for...

Testing in July 2023!

Congratulations to everyone who tested on July 8th! We had ten students testing in all, six tested for 9th kyu yellow belt(Rudy, Sullivan, Grayson, Bryson, Will, Brennan), three tested for 8th kyu yellow belt(Camila, Shamir, Ryder), and one tested for 7th kyu yellow belt(Jackson)! Pictured front row(L-R): Grayson,...

Student of the month for June 2023!

Congratulations to Sullivan Weant, our student of the month for June 2023! Sullivan began training at Carolina Martial Arts Center in November of 2022 and just recently tested for his 9th kyu yellow belt. Sullivan is nine years old and is a rising fourth grader at Club Boulevard...

Student of the month for May 2023!

Congratulations to Alex Gilligan, our student on the month for May 2023! Alex is a longtime student of Carolina Martial Arts Center. He started in 1998 when he was just 6 years old, he is now 30! Wow, thats 24 years ago! Alex started training just because his...

Testing on May 13th!

Congratulations to all who tested on Saturday, May 13th! Everyone tested for 9th kyu yellow and did a great job! Pictured below are: (L to R) Annabel, Archer, Ethan(our April student of the month), and Rafi. Keep up the good effort and we’ll see you at your next...

2023 Shuri-Te International Martial Arts Conference!

The 2023 conference was held May 5-6 in Fort Mill, S.C.! The annual event had over 200 participants and 30 instructors! Each training session had a choice of 5 different class subjects and instructors! A great time to train with old and new friends and to share and...

Student of the month for April 2023!

Congratulations to Ethan Villalta, our student of the month for April 2023! Ethan is 7 years old and is in the first grade at Hillandale Elementary School. His favorite subject is science! Ethan started training at Carolina Martial Arts Center in October of 2022. He started martial arts...