Author: sensei

Training online now available! A big shout out to Sensei Dave Henshall for putting together the first YouTube training session! A great workout for those working on footwork for sparring! A big shout out to Sensei Joe Kelly for putting together our live training sessions! Click on the link above or to the right(Live Training) for more information on how to sign in! Every Monday and Wednesday – Children at 5:15 and Adults at 6:00. Saturdays – Sparring at 10:00 and Kobudo at 11:00! Let us know if you have other times during the day that would work for you and if you are interested in a 6:30 a.m. training time!

Student of the month for January 2020!

Congratulations to Shamir Owens, our student of the month for January 2020, the first one this decade! Shamir has been training at CMAC for five months! He is six years old and is a kindergartener Holt Elementary School! His favorite subject is math! Shamir saw us training through...

Master’s Memorial Seminar!

What a great weekend of training on Jan. 25th and 26th! We had a great day of tekko and sai basics on Saturday, also working on Tawada no sai and Maezato no tekko kobudo katas! After training we officially presented Hanshi Dometrich with her 9th Dan certificate, She...

Student of the month for December 2019!

Congratulations to Adreanna Wilkerson, our student of the month for December 2019! Adreanna is 17 years old and has been training at Carolina Martial Arts Center for one year. She is a senior at Voyager Academy! Adreanna started training at CMAC because she wanted to learn how to...

Test in December!

Congratulations to everyone who tested on Dec. 21st! We had a group of yellow belts who have been working hard since the summer to get ready for their next rank before the end of the year! Great job Luke, Erick, Caleb, Joel, and Rex! Get ready for your...

Christmas collection for Hope Valley Elementary School!

Great job CMAC students, families, and friends! You never seem to amaze with your kindness and generosity!!! You again delivered a truck load of gifts to the many families who were in need! Pictured are Hope Valley school counselors and school social worker with Sensei Gurganus. Thank you...